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Welcome to Microchip-Pillar-Identification naitid

This website sells microchip pillars for identifying the exact location of:

  • a monument (or statue)
  • the grave of a person dead and buried or the grave to be of the living
  • a person’s birthplace, etc

    A microchip is embedded in a concrete pillar and carries a unique 15-digit number (e.g 980.000000651090). This number is used in identifying the pillar, and the pillar is used to identify the monument, grave or birthplace location. The microchip pillar is buried next to the location of the object to be identified.

    By pointing a microchip reader to the pillar, the unique 15-digit number is displayed on the microchip reader’s screen. The unique 15-digit number is used to compile the monument’s details, or personal, profile and burial details of the person buried (or to be buried) in the grave. Furthermore, the exact location of the pillar on the surface of the earth in real time is determined with the use of our Global Positioning System to an accuracy of half a metre. At present, this is one of the most accurate Global Positioning Systems (GPS); other GPS are accurate to 5 metres. The Global Positioning System gives the longitudinal and latitudinal co-ordinates of the microchip pillar.

    All these data with a photograph of the holder of the unique number are stored in a Database in a computer. The data are used to issue a two-page certificate for the holder of the unique 15-digit number. The front page of the certificate carries the monument’s details, or personal and burial details (or preferred burial details), and a photograph of the holder of the unique number while the back page carries his profile.


    A hard copy of this certificate in a laminated format which has been signed, dated and sealed, and carrying a barcode number which is exactly the same as the unique 15-digit number is delivered to the holder of the unique number or to his next of kin, and also the concrete microchip pillar.

    An exact hard copy of this certificate in a laminated format is held in the archives of our registry for future reference and search purposes. A two-page biography of the holder of the unique 15-digit number written by himself or by his relations is also held in our Database. A laminated copy of this short biography is also delivered to the holder of the unique number. This short auto/biography is displayed on our website (optional).
